Equipping and empowering Texas college students to succeed in a rapidly changing media industry while connecting them with jobs, internships, mentors and one another.
Creating a worldwide community of media professionals who embody TIPA’s core values:
–diversity of thought and opinion
The adviser’s role
TIPA recognizes the role of media adviser and the student media editorial staff is complex. Each institution has its own level of nuanced policies, procedures and internal factors impacting how this relationship is executed. Media advisers are often faculty or staff members who have other institutional requirements and regulations to uphold. It is a tricky balance that often adapts and teeters over time as staff changes.
However, as an organization valuing the freedom of the press and student journalists, we believe any relationship that would hinder or censor a free flow of information and campus dialogue should be avoided.
As outlined and recommended by the Student Press Law Center, student media policies should recognize “the educational and societal value of encouraging the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues and ideas on America’s college and university campuses.” TIPA agrees.
Student media outlets are designed to be the voice of the students, by the students. Prior review and administrative retaliation should not be tolerated. Prior review, the act of reviewing or striking editorial content before publication, goes against standard professional journalistic practices and should not exist in the educational realm in regards to student media unless there are legal issues to consider. The SPLC echoes this statement noting college officials or those acting on their behalf cannot “engage in any activity or cause to be done to student media anything where the effect is to control, diminish, manipulate or otherwise censor student media or to dismiss, punish or retaliate against student media staff where such action is motivated by the otherwise lawful content or newsgathering activities of student media.”
At TIPA, we seek to educate, equip and empower student journalists.
Education starts in the classroom and extends to the real-world experience gained by working through student media. Educating goes beyond technical skills. Education includes learning how to ethically, responsibly and professionally cover the news. Student journalists are the decision makers and gatekeepers of their campus news. They should feel empowered to select editorial content appropriate for their audience and publication.