NOTE: TIPA was organized by nine students in 1909 at a meeting on the campus of Baylor University. Below is the newspaper article from the Baylor student newspaper announcing the formation of the organization.
From the Baylor University Lariat, Vol IX, No. 33,May 1, 1909, Pp. 1-2.
Baylor was hostess this week to the representatives of nine Texas schools, the meeting being held at Baylor’s call, for the purpose of organizing the T.I.C.P.A. The following account, written for the Waco Times-Herald, is at once graphic and “historically correct,” and we give it in full.
Responding to a call by Baylor, nine of the larger education institutions of Texas sent delegates to the organization of an Inter-Collegiate Press association. The different school periodicals for several months had discussed the feasibility of this organization and the delegates came with ideas and suggestions for the uplift of the Texas college publications.
J.C. McElhannon of Baylor University was made temporary chairman, and Ernest Sansom of Southwestern University, temporary secretary, after which the following were enrolled: J.V. Connor, editor of the Corral, Simmons College; Walter Ford, editor of the Daniel Baker Collegian, Daniel Baker College; J.R. Ratliff, editor of Black and Gold, Decatur Baptist College; C.C. Prim, editor of the Journal, North Texas State Normal; D.H. Templeton, exchange editor of the Trinitonian, Trinity University; Miss Christine E. Woldert, editor of Daedalian, College of Industrial Arts; C.L. Greene, editor of the Collegian, Texas Christian University; Ernest Sansom, editor of the Southwestern University Magazine; and J.C. McElhannon, exchange editor of the Baylor Literary.
D.H. Templeton, Walter Ford and C.L. Greene were appointed on committee to draft a constitution. In the meantime round table discussions were held on the various subjects relating to college journalism, such as exchange departments, what constitutes criticism, the way to obtain subscription, the short story, poems and essays, mechanical arrangement, cover designs, editorial departments, general appearance, etc.
After two days of hard work the association was thoroughly organized and named the Texas Inter-Collegiate Press Association, stating that its objectives are to improve college journalism, to raise the standard of college publications and to bring the colleges and editors into closer and more vital relationship.
The purpose is to increase the literary value of college magazines and the constitution provides for three contests under the direction of the association: Poem Contest, Short Story Contest and Essay Contest – the prize for each is $10. Each school shall be allowed three delegates and one vote in business meetings. The annual meeting shall be the first Thursday and Friday in April. The official organ of the association will be the “Texas Inter-Collegian,” which shall be published annually, to contain the first, second and third prize story, poem and essay, the minutes of the association, the speeches delivered before the annual convention and the winning oration of the Texas State Oratorical contest.
After the adoption of the constitution, upon invitation Baylor University was chosen as host of the first annual convention in April 1910, and the following officers were elected: President, J.C. McElhannon, Baylor University; vice president, Ernest Sansom, Southwestern University; recording secretary, Miss Christine E. Woldert, College of Industrial Arts; corresponding secretary, Clois L. Greene, Texas Christian University; treasurer, D.H. Templeton, Trinity University.
The corresponding secretary was instructed to petition for membership in the Texas Press Association. After fifteen rahs were given for “The Texas Inter-Collegiate Press Association,” the meeting was adjourned.