TIPA Previously Published Contest 2023

Overall Design - General Magazine ( Division 1,Division 2,Division 3,Division 4) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Baylor
    Entry Title: Can you sense it?
    Entry Credit: Mallory Harris, Rachel Chiang
    Judge Comment: Clean, eye-catching cover with text placed well. The magazine's pastel color scheme is attractive. Excellent display of the "old and new" photos. Great idea for a theme, the senses. Design is clean with healthy white space. Photos, text and headlines are integrated seamlessly. Back cover is nice. Front cover should have a date and/or edition number.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Lamar University
    Entry Title: UPbeat winter 2023
    Entry Credit: UP Staff
    Judge Comment: Excellent front cover art, excellent nameplate. Clean, appealing design throughout. Great job on "People" portraits. Nice photo illustratons/infographics on pages 9, 10 and elsewhere. Clever Taylor Swift headline. Good photo essay, although the large photos on pages 12 and 15 are too similar. Page 17 photo needs a cutline or nameline. Excellent magazine.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: UT-Rio Grande Valley
    Entry Title: Pulse 008
    Entry Credit: Pulse Staff
    Judge Comment: Attention-getting cover. Maybe a secondary headline is necessary to elaborate on the general topic of “diverse.” Excellent job covering several current issues. Creative, effective design. Impressive amount of significant writing, illustrated well.
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: A&M-San Antonio - El Espejo
    Entry Title: El Espejo Issue 9
    Entry Credit: Miranda Rodriguez
    Judge Comment: Bright, eye-catching cover. Inside design is clean and consistent. Excellent photography. Impressive first page of the food section. Innovative layout on the skating pages that matches the front cover. Dreamliners design fits the story well. Impressive first page of Society. I like the blank sky. Cutlines in white boxes at corners of photos could be placed better. Headlines that poke into adjacent photos work well except in some places where the photo area is too dark for the dark headline. Consistently clean design throughout, and the design always is appropriate for the topic. Excellent magazine.
  • Competition Comment: Every one of these magazines could have been in the top three. This was a difficult competition to judge, because the difference in the quality of the magazines was razor-thin. The state of magazine journalism in collegiate Texas is outstanding.