TIPA Previously Published Contest 2023

In-Depth Reporting ( Division 1) Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: TCU
    Entry Title: More than a diagnosis: a TCU educator lives with dementia
    Entry Credit: Sarah Walter
    Judge Comment: Wow, this was an incredible personality profile that also gave us an in-depth at the diagnosis that changed this man's life but didn't stop him. Many of the entries featured detailed news stories and covered issues with depth, but this story stood alone in its humanity. The best part of a journalist's job is to tell these kinds of stories.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: A&M-College Station
    Entry Title: Title IX fails students
    Entry Credit: Nicholas Gutteridge
    Judge Comment: This article showed courage in tackling a terrifying and tragic issue of sexual assault on campus. It was well balanced with data and policy analysis, but maintained the strong level of humanity throughout.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: SMU
    Entry Title: Thinking Theta? Think Again.
    Entry Credit: Ellis Rold
    Judge Comment: This was a very eye-catching chronology of the sorority's hazing controversies, and its impact on campus. I think it would have better to lead with the actual hazing allegations. Use your storytelling to take us into these alleged rituals and how they affected those who were hazed. Overall, a very comprehensive look at the issue from multiple sides.
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: University of North Texas
    Entry Title: SGA violates bylaws through a lack of budget oversight
    Entry Credit: Ayden Runnels
    Judge Comment: This story would not have been achieved without a reporter keeping close watch on the SGA and comparing its actions to its own rules. Great job holding power accountable.
  • Competition Comment: The best stories in this category not only explored an issue or news item with great depth and nuance, but also included a strong sense of humanity. In-depth reporting should use all of the tools at reporter's disposal, from charts and data, to personal stories learned through interviews. Top marks were given to pieces that wove all of these elements together using strong narrative prose. Stories that did not place covered certain topics well but lacked that human element and diversity of approach.