TIPA Previously Published Contest 2022

Sports Page/Spread Design - Newspaper Division 1 Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: UT-Arlington
    Entry Title: A Shooting Starr
    Entry Credit: Claudia Humphrey
    Judge Comment: Outstanding page. Good connection between the top six photos and the cutout photo. Headline decks are appropriate sizes. (Avoid using the same word - Starr - twice in headlines on the same page.) (The word "currently" in the secondary deck is redundant.)
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Baylor
    Entry Title: Starting five
    Entry Credit: Rachel Royster
    Judge Comment: Excellent page. The 10 photos at top are balanced by the green boxes. The hexagon shape of the photos works, I think. (It would have been clever to make them pentagons since these are the starting five of each team, but that's OK.)
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: UT-Arlington
    Entry Title: Women's volleyball gallery
    Entry Credit: Abbas Ghor
    Judge Comment: Excellent page. Variety of photo sizes. Standard guidelines are followed such as the player serving in the photo at left looking into the page. The extended hands in the top photo connect with the headline well. Excitement in the top photo reflects the content of the headline.
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: Baylor
    Entry Title: Black athletes through the years
    Entry Credit: Marquis Cooley, Rachel Royster
    Judge Comment: Attractive spread. This type of layout could have looked cluttered, but it doesn't. Nice.
  • Competition Comment: As seen in the ranking, UT-Arlington and Baylor have excellent page designers. But other schools do, too. Almost all the entries show solid design principles, and most also exhibit creativity. I hope enough newspapers - collegiate and commercial - survive for the designers at all these schools to use their skills in the future.