TIPA Previously Published Contest 2022

General News Multimedia Story Division 3,Division 4 Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: A&M-San Antonio - The Mesquite
    Entry Title: University Hospital brings mammogram mobile to campus for screenings
    Entry Credit: Irma Saenz
    Judge Comment: A powerful multimedia package that featured a breast cancer survivor. A good use of visuals to inform the community about these screenings while also highlighting the importance of health checks.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: A&M-San Antonio - The Mesquite
    Entry Title: Students, staff give mixed reactions to overhauled university website as it undergoes review phase
    Entry Credit: Irma Saenz, Xochilt Garcia
    Judge Comment: Great package about an issue that clearly concerned students. The video interviews were a solid addition.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: A&M-Kingsville
    Entry Title: student led protest against sexual assault marches through campus
    Entry Credit: The South Texan Staff
    Judge Comment: A complete multimedia story with audio of a chant from the protest, a video that puts the reader at the scene and a well-written article.
  • Place Name: Honorable Mention
    Contestant Name: A&M-Kingsville
    Entry Title: General News Multimedia Story 2
    Entry Credit: The South Texan Staff
    Judge Comment: Good visual storytelling about an important on-campus event.
  • Competition Comment: An impressive group of entrants who understood the importance of multimedia journalism.