Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Tyler Junior College Entry Title: Headlines Entry Credit: Asia Johnson Judge Comment: Great creative headlines. Keep up the good work.
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: A&M-San Antonio - The Mesquite Entry Title: Headlines by Graham Hotard Entry Credit: Graham Hotard Judge Comment: Nice mix of headlines that showcases your abilities. A big fan of using quotes in the HL - it can be impactful when used right.
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: A&M-San Antonio - The Mesquite Entry Title: Mesquite Headlines 2022 Entry Credit: LaShanna Cates, Amber Esparza, Emily Alvarez, Raul Trey Lopez Judge Comment: These a great headlines. Y'all are doing a great job as a team. Keep up the good work.
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: North Lake College Entry Title: Headline writing Entry Credit: Heather Sherrill Judge Comment: These are really good headlines. It was hard to pick between third place and HM, so it came down to the details in this case. Deciding factor was "Gas leak halts construction." While true, it could have mentioned that construction was halted again and this time it was due to a gas leak. Overall, great job y'all.
Competition Comment: Students are talented and doing great work at the college level.