Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Rice Entry Title: As Roe falls, Rice grapples with diminishing abortion access Entry Credit: Prayag Gordy Judge Comment: None
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Richland College Entry Title: O'Rourke campaigns at Dallas College Entry Credit: Haley Aguayo, Blanca Reyes, Ryan Bingham Duff Judge Comment: None
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: Del Mar College Entry Title: Breaking cultural barriers / Coping with mental health Entry Credit: Philip Perez Judge Comment: None
Competition Comment: The honorees in this category did a good job taking an in-depth look at topics. In-depth does not mean long, nor does it mean a series of daily stories tied to a topic. The winner in this category had a strong narrative thread focused on an individual, had a variety of diverse sources that added - not just repeated - good information to the thread, and took a nuanced look at a complicated topic. Others in this category did not do that, unfortunately, and some were disqualified because they did not meet the requirements for an in-depth story. Kudos to the first-place winner!